Olugbola Gubasavi
"As a child, I was raised to appreciate my culture. I studied theatre arts at Nashville School of the Arts. It was there that I developed my deep love for African Languages. I knew as a child that I wanted to get a degree in Africana Studies with a concentration in languages. I received my bachelors from Tennessee State University. While I was there, I served as the coordinator for TSU's first expedition to Kemet in 2009.
Recently, my travels have taken me to the West African country of Liberia where I visited the site of where the first library is being built. I also served as President of TSU's first Afro Centric sorority, Het-Heru. I speak Kiswahili fluently and I offer online classes through my company, Language of The People. Not only does my company offer other African languages, but we offer translation and interpreting services for refugee families throughout the greater Nashville area.
I was one of the Community Arts Development Coordinators for many years at the African American Cultural Alliance who plans Nashville’s annual African Street Festival.
I believe that people of African descent must take responsibility for establishing progressive positive changes in their own lives and communities.
From the vast civilization that were established to the spiritual principles and holistic practices of their ancestors, many are increasingly seeking more information about African culture. This project will seek to explore and answer those questions.
Through all of my experiences, I developed a desire to tell true stories of African cultures by combining the concept of a live stage play with a museum setting utilizing multimedia platforms. I have been writing this project for 7 years.
I invited Dream 7 Theatre Productions of Nashville TN to partner with me. They are a well-known theatre company here in Nashville that has been cultivating the essence of our history for the past 21 years through staged readings, plays, and choreopoems. I thought it would be an appropriate company to work with as they have strong ties to the African American Nashville Theatre Community. They are adept in developing New Works and have an impressive track record."